Erectile Dysfunction - DKSH x Cialis (Part 2)


Does Cycling Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The unfortunate answer is yes, there is an association between cycling and erectile dysfunction because it has been shown that pressure on the bicycle seat actually can reduce blood flow to the pelvis. In fact, there is one study that said the blood flow reduction is as much as 80%. So, when there's reduced blood flow into the pelvis, then there is obviously reduced blood flow into the penis, and then subsequently erectile dysfunction.

I do see patients who cycle for really long distances who suffer from this, and there are actually certain simple things that they can do in terms of biomechanics to improve this. For example, having a higher handlebar or having these special bicycle seats that take pressure away from the blood vessels in the pelvis.

Does Using a Laptop Placed on Your Lap Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The good news is no, there is really no evidence to support this. However, the heat from the laptop can actually cause the temperature around the scrotum to rise, which is bad for sperm production. Using a laptop on your lap might not be very good for fertility, but fortunately it does not really cause erectile dysfunction.

Does Watching Pornography Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

This is an excellent question. It is also associated with another question which I commonly get from patients who ask me, “Does excessive masturbation cause erectile dysfunction?” Naturally, these two are associated.

There is a brilliant review paper written by a professor Brian Park on pornography causing erectile dysfunction. And yes, it does in a very psychological way; because think about it: pornography provides us with what is known as a supranormal stimulus. It is not usual. So, because of the neuroplasticity of the brain, it can't adapt to this stimulus. And then you need a constantly higher stimulus to achieve erection because we know that you need stimulation to achieve erection. So, in this way, pornography causes erectile dysfunction. The flip side of this is, does excessive masturbation cause erectile dysfunction?

Well, the fortunate answer is no. It does not. There have been many studies into this, and there are actually no harmful effects of masturbation. In fact, there are actually studies to share that there are benefits people in many ways. It reduces stress, it reduces the risk of prostate cancer, even.

In a nutshell, yes, pornography causes erectile dysfunction. No, masturbation does not cause erectile dysfunction.

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