
Select Men’s Health Issue


Vasectomy is the only permanent birth control method for men. It involves a simple surgical procedure to separate the tube that brings sperm out from the testes.

This procedure is for men who do not want to have children anymore and do not wish to use other forms of birth control. It can be done with the patient being awake and the surgical area is numbed (local anaesthesia), or asleep (sedation).

The tube that carries sperm out of the testes (vas deferens) is very close to the skin and is caught with a special tool. A small puncture is made on the skin to bring the tube out. The tube is then cut, tied and heat-sealed. To ensure greater safety, the ends of the tube are put back into the scrotum in different layers. The skin is then closed.

The surgical area may be sore for a few days after the procedure. Putting an ice pack on it will help. Some men will feel more comfortable with painkiller medicines. It is best to avoid strenuous activities for 1 week after the surgery. The skin usually heals in 1 to 2 weeks. Wound infections, bleeding and chronic pain are possible but rare complications of the surgery.

FAQs on Vasectomy

When can I stop using other forms of birth control after the surgery?

Only after all the sperm that is stored in the tubes have been cleared. This is why we encourage frequent ejaculations after the procedure to clear out the stored sperm. You will also need to undergo a sperm count test 3 months after the procedure to verify that there are no more live sperm being ejaculated. Only then is it safe to stop using other forms of contraception.

Can vasectomies be reversed?

It is possible to do another surgery to rejoin the tubes. However, this is not always successful. We therefore encourage our patients to be sure that they do not wish to have any more children before undergoing a vasectomy.

Can vasectomies fail?

There have been very rare cases where over a long period of time, the tubes spontaneously reconnect. This is very rare.

Can I use my Medisave for a vasectomy?

Medisave cannot be used for vasectomies.

“Every patient deserves our fullest attention.”

If you have any queries, please contact us at 6513 0359 or use the contact form below.

Dr Tan Medical Centre

10 Sinaran Drive #09-30, Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506

Tel: (+65) 6513 0359 WhatsApp: (+65) 9750 5037

Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays